Intern Credit List – 24th July, 2016

Hey there, we’re reaching out to the art and programming interns that have worked on The Surfer® with us over the past few years. As a company, there are 7 people directly involved in the running of Bungarra. As a development team, we are an even smaller team of 3 developers, working 3 days per week + 2nd jobs. So getting to this point has been tricky to say the least! For those who have sought opportunity to gain experience to work on a console game project, we’ve attempted to assist where possible. Equally, we also want to take the opportunity to genuinely thank you for the contribution you’ve made by adding your name to our list of game credits for The Surfer® PS3. Here is the list so far and if you can’t see your name on the list then please, let us know so we can correct this and add your name!

Artistic Lead
Jack Nelson

Programming Lead
Matthew Strickland

Level Content 3D
Jack Nelson

3D Modelling Interns
James Corbin
Daryl De Rozario
Kevin Armstrong
Heath Kidd
Jesse Ashton
Liam Cuff
Ming Bong

Level Design
Andrew West
Jack Nelson
Rene Seeberger

Character Modelling
Jack Nelson
Adam Fisher

Character Modelling Interns
Stuart Gant
Tim Evans
Aaron Powell

Character Animation
Jack Nelson
Adam Fisher

Concept Design Interns
Simone Sanna
Heather Norman

UI Design
Jack Nelson

UI Design Intern
Jim Robertson
Paige Davis

Matthew Strickland
Richard Parkes

Programming Interns
Jay Sepkus
Kim Nguyen
Vincent Gim
Davey Gao
Lachlan Hawden
Daniel Manganaro
Karl Tysoe
Tungamirai Mangombe
Matthew Meschino
Dar Brett
Sonia Morretti

Cory Li
Andrew West

Voice Actors
Kevin Wood
Andrew Vastola
Kirsten Burns
Roberta Kennedy
Josh Newth

Website Design
Brett Greay
Andrew West

Game Manual Content & Design
Thea Knott
Andrew West

UI Paige Davis
Localisation Company: TBA

Peter Harris

David Morris
Rene Seeberger
Andrew West

Andrew West
Rene Seeberger
David Morris
Peter Harris

Mark Power Chartered Accountants

Ernst & Young Perth
Jill Murray
Lisa Chamberlain
Alvin Lim

Micheal Paterson and Associates Barristers and SOlicitors

Business Development
Rene Seeberger

Executive Producer
Andrew West

Special Thanks
Erin West
Siena West
Aria West
Bernie West
The Morris family
Stephen Knott
Chris Knott
Patrick Knott
Angela Knott
David Morris
Judith Seeberger
Edouard Seeberger
Dr Melinda Rae Harris & Kids
Dept of Commerce WA
The Preston family
The McCreery family
KG Wilson & family
Greg Salotti
Jill Murray
Lynn Stapes
Tony & Susan West & girls